Spring Break

Games You Might Not Have Tried #8 – Find New Games – Extra Credits

The first game explored in this video was Thea which is basically civilization’s exploring aspect. Next up was Axium Verge a game that is much like the old Metroid game. Mordheim: City of the Damned an interesting RPG game in which you have a team that progresses through the world getting illnesses, collecting treasure, dying with no way of coming back, and exploring. Probably the weirdest out of the bunch is Static Speaks my Name which takes you through a house where nothing feels quite right pictures everywhere of the same thing and quite creepy music in the background to keep you feeling unsettled. As for this next game, it’s also creepy but equally gorry and not afraid to show the bad sides of humanity this game being LISA. Finally on the list is Tearaway Unfolded using the Playstation controller to its fullest. This game using not only the general controller mechanics but the motion controls as well from swiping to make wind to pointing your controller at a location on the screen to produce light.

Please keep in mind that I have never played any of these games and am solely going off of what was told in the video. Preferably my favorite game on the list is Tearaway so here is a link to it if you want to check it out :

The Hunt

Click the image to go to the game

The Hunt is a 2D maze/adventure game in which you start in the location called the Void. Once you have exited the Void you are back in the real world where you venture off to the town to find out what really happened to you and the people in the town. This isn’t the full version but gives a good idea of what the game is about.

Please enjoy,

Xavier Grubb

Battle at the Beach

Enjoy battling an enemy king of an underwater temple as a great pirate of the seas. Each side has a range of 3 different beasts. You could end up fighting a yeti, a poodle, or a peacock with one of your fierce beast allies: the phoenix, the raptor, or the mythical beast, Yali. Each of them have a range of different spells to cast from. Who can take control over the beach? Battle to find out!

While making this project on Alice 3, I used if statements to decide what needed to happen in the game based on what you clicked. I also used functions to tell the program the chosen monsters, so it would know which monster needed to show the animation for casting the spell, or being hit by the spell. Then, to have the game be interactive, I added Event Listeners to find out what you do as the player, such as clicking a button in the game.

A Slithery take on Alice Lesson 5.1 Project


I took the Lesson 5.1 project and changed it up a bit. First off by making the different animals into a group of snails, and changing the fruit and emeralds in the area into skeletons and femurs. While the appearance has changed what the snails do is the same as the 5.1 project. From moving to each object in the scene finding out what is food and what isn’t, and preforming a quick dance with his snail friends.

Using Alice 3 Xavier Grubb has created a project in which a snail moves around the screen collecting food.

This is the main function so it doesn’t include what the procedures do, but does give a good understanding of how the snail knows what is food and what isn’t food. The two functions that are used are called airkick and move the airkick is seen at the beginning when the snails go up into the are and kick. While the move tells the snail where to face, where to go, and how to move its body forward and backward while moving. Then I have implemented a array that groups all the snails into one object that I can manipulate. This is shown when all the snails change to opacity 0 together. Which is done with one instruction of change opacity to 0 instead of 4 thanks to the slither array.