Escape to Pandora

My game Escape to Pandora started out with the idea of creating a game with a tile set. This means I would have to create small blocks that fit together to create levels. At first this was hard, and during the process I had to restart many times. Eventually I felt like I had a capable tile set and moved on to Creating the game. This was the surprisingly easy part I did not want a long game, but rather just to test out how a tile set would work. So after creating playable levels I was left with what you see before you feel free to take a look and play for yourself.

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  1. fun – 3
    difficulty – 5 easy
    The game was pretty self explanatory. There were no bugs. It does not remind me of any games in particular.

  2. Game: 4/5
    Difficulty: 2/5
    I would not play through this more than once as it is the same game over again each time you play.
    I would make the slime have animated textures and add more levels.
    It reminds me of something, but I cant remember what it is currently.
    The game functions well and everything interacts great.

  3. Feedback:
    – You did a great job with the tile set. The visual design of everything was excellent. I’d say it’s a success, since that was your main focus.
    – The movement controls were smooth.
    – I did notice you can jump into ledges and use them to jump from. Sometimes this is intended, but if it’s a bug and you want them to fall, it can be because a surface is sticking out just a pixel or two and that’s enough for the edge of the character model to “land on.” Once trick for this is to put an invisible rectangle collider around the edge of the platform that sticks out just a tiny bit. This way, it looks like the character is bumping into the cliff, but it falls without getting caught on things. Something to try, if you wanted to!

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