Simulated Workplace

In James Rumsey, we follow a simulated workplace model which is shown on the picture in the left. There are 12 protocols. One of the protocols in the simulated workplace model is to create a 6S workplace. The 6S chart (right) has 6 parts that all play a crucial part in the simulated workplace. The 6 parts are: sort, straighten, shine, standardize, sustain, and safety.

The 6S parts all have a role in the workplace. The first part, sort, is to keep the workplace clutter free and to only have the necessary items out. The second, straighten, is used to keep the other objects in their correct places. This means that items need to be placed back where they were taken from. The third, shine, is to keep everything clean and tidy. The fourth is to standardize. This means to create a routine for the other steps. The fifth is to create a culture to maintain these steps, or sustain. The final part is safety. This means that the workplace is inspected daily so no potential hazard is overlooked.

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